24 June 2009

Giving a whole new meaning to 'going walkabout'

So let me get this straight ...

In the upset over the Metro accident, I missed the breaking of the news story about the governor of South Carolina hiking the Appalachian Trail ...

... to Buenos Aires ...
... telling no one where he was going ...
... so he could ponder some big issues and write something ...
... away from the wife and kids ...
... on Father's Day weekend.

I am looking forward to the press conference. This ought to be a riot.


  1. One of the more interesting things about this, I found, was that the day this hit the national news, it was not the lead story on our local news here in Florence, SC. There was a story about a cat stuck down a well before the-governor-is-missing story. Seriously- governor missing, his wife hasn't heard from him in three days, but first there is a kitten stuck down a well.... I like kittens, don't get me wrong, and don't want to leave them down wells or anything, but I find it completely amazing that I live somewhere where a kitten in a well story makes the six oclock news at all, much less before the governor being going awol!!

  2. That is amazing. On the other hand, the newspaper in Columbia was certainly right on the spot catching him getting off the international flight. And then we were treated to the Love Song of Mark C. Sanford. I am still trying to process it all.


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