15 April 2011

I had no rest against that springtime

So apparently there's this thing called Bloom Day, in which all serious garden bloggers participate.

This has nothing whatever to do with Bloomsday but instead means that on the fifteenth of each month, one goes out into one's garden with a camera and takes pictures of whatever is blooming. Then one posts these pictures on one's blog.

I have never made a Bloom Day post, so I am clearly neither a serious gardener nor a serious garden blogger.


More realistically, it's that either things have not conveniently sprung into bloom in time for Bloom Day, or I haven't had 5 minutes to find my camera, much less the time needed to actually take the pictures, get them off the camera, edit them appropriately (I am a terrible photographer, but Picnik covers many of my sins) and then blog the whole disgraceful mess.

Today, just for a change, I have a few minutes to take pictures, so here's a Bloom Day post from the Belfry gardens.

Mostly, it's about daffodils right now:


Clockwise from top left: Loth Lorien, Thalia, Bell Song and Salome, Erlicheer.

but there are other things going on, too, such as the chequered fritillaries (Fritillaria mealagris, subject of a recent post at The Medieval Garden Enclosed):

Chequered Fritillary

and the heartleaf brunnera (Brunnera macrophylla), which has flowers like the forget-me-not in addition to its big heart-shaped leaves:

Heartleaf Brunnera

and the blackcurrant:

Blackcurrant in flower

Not quite on yet are the azaleas, the wood hyacinths (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), and the tulips, which are looking to be prolific this year, even the hybrids I planted more than 3 years ago.  I see 'Menton,' 'Queen of the Night,' 'Mata Hari,' and 'Ivory Floradale,' getting ready to flower, as well as the little lady tulip, Tulipa clusiana.

What will May's Bloom Day look like? I have no idea. We'll have to see if I have time to take pictures of it.

William Carlos Williams


  1. Very nice!

    My neighborhood is mad with daffodils right now, fare more so than in previous years. It's as if all the neighborhood gardeners conspired to plant them...

  2. Gardeners conspiring to plant daffodils? Perish the thought!

  3. We also have a lilac thief in the neighborhood! He's been spotted early in the morning rushing away from the cathedral close, the community garden, or residents' personal gardens. The fact that he's often seen wearing a kitchen uniform suggests a possible motive...

  4. A lilac thief? That's a hanging offence in these parts.

    (I'm now picturing your neighbourhood as some kind of urban Sherwood Forest, with outlaws and bandits stealing fruit and rustling lilacs. I must need more coffee).


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